



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the implied meaning, and

3) give your comments.

Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)







下面是参考范文,同学们可以浏览、熟读并背诵模板,红色字体内容为模板,可根据不同图片内容套用,黑色字体内容为针对本次图画所写的和extensive learning 相关的内容,绿色字体的文字为文章构思以及写作时的要点提示。


As we can see in the picture, two girls are standing in front of a poster for a campus lecture. The one on the left says," It's useless to attend the lecture; it has nothing to do with our specialized subject." By contrast, the other student says, "We should go to the lecture; anyhow, we can learn something useful."(描述图画内容) Simple as the image is, its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed is worth pondering(承上启下,引出下面对图画寓意的论述

Undoubtedly, the author strives to draw our attention to the importance of extensive learning(指出图画的寓意,表明中心论点/关键词extensive learning). As we all know, one apparent feature of today's society is the blending of different disciplines and the integration of knowledge from various fields. So it determines college students should learn extensively, broaden their outlooks and become compound talents. (分论点1,也可以理解为题目要求中的Interpretation 1,结合时代背景谈为什么要广泛学习

In addition, by attending various lectures and acquiring knowledge from dif-ferent fields, undergraduates can develop their overall ability, so they can be more qualified to face the upcoming difficulties and challenges before stepping into a competitive society. (分论点2,也可以理解为题目要求中的Interpretation 2,进一步解释广泛学习的重要性,即为了更好地面对困难和挑战)

Based on the discussion above, I suppose that not until we realize the significance of extensive learning and then put this attitude into practice, can we progress step by step.(倒装句,承上启下,强调extensive learning的重要性)As college students, we have easy access to various lectures and other learning resources on campus so we should make full use of them.(回到图画中的关键词“听讲座”,重申中心论点extensive learning,做出评论,首尾呼应)Only in this way can we embrace a promising future. (倒装句,呼吁行动,结束全文)



1. 广泛学习 extensive learning

2. 获取知识 acquire knowledge

3.复合型人才compound talent

4. 听讲座 attentd a lecture

5. 拓宽眼界 broaden one's outlook

6. 海报 poster

7. 发人深省,引人深思的 thought-provoking

8. 相比之下,相反 by contrast

9.很容易获取...... have easy access to

10.充分利用 make full use of


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