













As is vividly revealed in the bar chart,some noticeable changes have taken place in terms of 汉译英主题. According to the figures provided by the graph, one can see the number of 关键词1 witnessed an apparent sharp rise from 数字1 in 年份1 to 数字2 in 年份2. While the number of 关键词2 has been on a steady decline from 数字3 to数字4 during the same period.


What is presented vividly in the above chart is that 汉译英主题 experienced an earth-shaking change. To be more specific, a considerable jump occurred from 年份1 to 年份2 in terms of 对象1,with the number going from 数字1 to 数字2. In the meantime, 对象2 witnessed an apparent tendency of decline, ranging from 数字3 to 数字4. In addition, 对象3 stayed level.


What is vividly revealed in the pie chart above indicates that there exists a noticeable difference when it comes to 汉译英主题. According to the figures provided by the chart, one can see that the percentage of 关键词1 is the largest among all the categories, accounting for数字1. Then come 关键词2 , 关键词3, occupying 数字2 and 数字3 respectively.


What can be observed in the above pie chart mirrors that there exists some striking discrepancy with regard to 填图表标题. To be more specific, one may see that 最大板块 ranks on the top of the list, which accounts for 最大占比. In comparison, 第二板块, 第三板块 and the rest occupy 第二占比,第三占比 and 其余占比respectively.



It is of no difficulty to come up with some possible factors for these situation. Firstly, rapid development of China’s economy and society plays a major role in this trend. Secondly, we must admit that this tendency also has a lot to do with the positive guidance of certain policies. Finally, the shift in people’s conception produces a contributing effect upon the current condition.


What triggers this trend? For my part, at least three contributing influences are worth considering. To begin with, the situation is bound up with the rapid rising of the Chinese living standards. In addition, the local authorities’ greater accent is another factor that cannot be ignored. Last but not least, we must admit that the present condition largely results from the development of the XX industry.


The contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows. The most important factor that needs to be highlighted here is that people have more choices about their life styles. What’s more, cultural difference is another factor that should also be brought into attention. People coming from different cultures can have a totally different opinions on the same objects.


I do believe the following ones should be taken into consideration. What's to be mentioned first and foremost is that the established trend does have much to do with the increasing pressure. In addition, the shift in sb's conception on XX produces a contributing effect upon the current condition. Finally, there is a direct link between the tide and the positive guidance of certain policies.



Taking into account what has been argued so far, we can safely come to the conclusion that this situation is normal and acceptable. And there is every reason to believe that this condition will go on in the near future. Therefore, taking an unbiased attitude toward it is of importance. It is advisable to take the advantage of it to meet needs of the public, while averting the negative effects it may bring about.


There is no denying the fact that sth. is the default state of life. But I can say with certainty that with each advance in our society, the most prosperous prospect will require us to work hard and meet new challenges.

















the positive guidance of certain policies

promotion and encouragement of the departments concerned.


The various ways of media enables people to acquire more and more information.


the turning of people’s attitude towards life / XX.

the shift in people’s conception(upon XX)

spiritual enhancement and richness of people


rapid development of China’s economy and society

rising income of Chinese people.

the improvement of people’s living standards

传统 / 技术/ 行业/ 网络


the development of technology

industry/ trade/ business(express delivery is a rising industry)

Internet (online shopping/ internet popularization )


1.We must admit that this tendency also has a lot to do with the development of XX industry, which means cheaper products and better service and hence an increasing demand of sth.

2.We must admit that this tendency also has a lot to do with a larger population in developing countries, which means a larger market for sth to satisfy this increasing demands.

3.Rapid development of economy and society in developing countries plays a major role in this trend. The rising income gives it an easier way for ordinary people to afford sth / what they want to have now.

4.Sth has become a necessity/ new fashion (rather than a luxury), which was incredible even years ago.

5.A growing number of people would like do sth and broaden their horizon.





评价 or 预测 or 建议 (与主题挂钩)


1.The phenomenon means that the world is going through the biggest wave of globalization and narrowing the gap between countries.

2. The phenomenon means that China has been going through the biggest wave of social and economic development in history.

3.However, the fact maybe a double-edged sword when XX.

4. Perhaps we are now going through the biggest wave of transformation in our lifestyles. We have fully entered a new era, in which 主题 is changing the way we work, shop, communicate, and almost everything. We will soon witness how profoundly this new trend may exert impact on the whole society.


1.However, the proportion reflects that the students are facing ever-increasing pressure. Students should learn how to cope with the stress and teachers and families are also advised to pay more attention to ways of pressure relief.

2. I am confident that as long as the society can make substantial efforts, our country will surely be better.

3. It is pressing to enhance our people’s awareness of the gravity of this problem. For another, we should appeal to the authorities concerned to take stricter measures so as to alleviate the worsening trend.

4. How to deal with this may be crucial to the economic development and the social stability. Fortunately, this has aroused the attention of government at all levels and effective measures have been taken to find better solutions to this phenomenon. I believe if all of us can make due efforts, we will soon make it in the near future.




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