

1. (be) distinct from ( = be different from) 与…截然不同

2. distinguish…from 把…与…区别开

3. do away with(=get rid of;abolish;discard; eliminate)除去,消除

4. have…to do with 与…有关系

5. on earth 究竟, 到底

6. with ease ( = easily) 容易, 不费力

7. have an effect on 对…有影响

8. to the effect that 大意是…,主要内容是…

9. emerge from ( =appear, become known ) 出现, 暴露(问题. 意见等)

10. place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 强调, 把重点放在…上

11. end up with 以…而结束

12. come to an end (=finish) 结束

13. engage in 或be engaged in 忙于,从事于

14. be entitled to (=be given the right to do sth.)有权…,有资格…

15. be equal to 等于

16. be equipped with 装备有,装有

17. (be) equivalent to(=equal in value, amount, meaning) 相等于, 相当于

18. in essence (=in its/one's nature) 本质上

19. with the exception of (=except, apart from) 除去…., 除…以外

20. exchange…for 以…交换

21. exert…on… 对…施加…

22. exert oneself to do sth. 努力,使劲

23. come into existence (=begin to exist)开始存在; come into use 开始使用;

24. come into effect 开始运转;生效

25. at the expense of 在损害…情况下,以…为牺牲

26. expose…to…使暴露于…, 使…受(危险,风险)

27. be exposed to… 面临…, 受到….

28. beyond expression (=in a manner that cannot be expressed) 无法形容, 说不出的

29. to …extent 在…程度上

30. in the extreme (= extremely) 极其

31. look sb. in the eye 正视, 打量(某人)

32. close (shut) one's eyes to 不理会,视而不见

33. keep an eye on(=keep a watch on)照看,监视

34. face up to 大胆面向

35. fail in (=be unsuccessful in) 失败

36. keep faith with 对…守信用

37. lose faith in 对…失去信心

38. fall short of (=fail to reach a desired result, standard, etc.) 没达到, 低于

39. familiar with 熟悉,了解

40. have a fancy for ( =like sth. without the help of reason) (没有道理地)喜欢, 想要

41. find fault with(=complain about; criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵

42. in favour of 赞成 支持

43. in one's favour(=to one's advantage)对.有利

44. (be) favourable to(=advantageous)有利的

45. at first sight(=when first seen)乍一看,一见

46. for the first time 第一次(作状语)

47. in the first place 首先, 第一

48. (be) fit for (=right and suitable for) 适合

49. focus on (=concentrate on) 集中在…上focus sth. on 把…集中在…上

50. be fond of 喜欢

51. (be) in force 有效, 实施

52. go into force 开始生效

53. by force 靠武力, 强行

54. force…on 把…强加给…

55. in the form of 以…形式

56. free of charge 免费

57. be freed from 免受, 没有…

58. furnish…with (=supply) 向…提供

59. in general (=in most cases, usually)通常

60. for good (=forever) 永远地, 长期地

61. take…for granted (=assume to be true)把…认为理所当然的.

62. be grateful to sb. for sth 因…感谢某人

63. on the ground(s) of (=because of) 由于…

64. come to a halt (=stop) 停止; 停住

65. at hand 在手边, 眼前(附近)

66. by hand 用手工(做)

67. head for (=move towards) 向…方向前进

68. by heart (=by memory) 熟记, 背(诵)

69. with all one's heart 全心全意地,真心实意

70. hinder…form(=stop…from)阻碍,使..不能做

71. be (feel) at home (=to be comfortable; not feel worried) 感觉合适,无拘束,熟悉

72. to one's horror 令某人感到恐惧的是

73. in a hurry (=hastily) 匆忙地

74. be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同

75. be identified with 被视为与…等同

76. impose…on 把…强加给

77. impress…on 给…留下印象

78. make (leave) an impression on sb. =give sb. an impression 给…留下印象

79. independent of 独立的,不受约束的

80. indicative of 表明, 说明

81. be indifferent to (=not interested in)对…漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎

82. (be) inferior to 比…差; superior to 比…好

83. inform sb. of sth. 通知, 告诉

84. be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的

85. insist on 坚持,坚持要


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