



stay aware of 保持…的意识;随时留意

as for 至于

overall fitness 整体健康情况

gain weight 体重增加

drop weight 体重下降

weight loss 减肥

conflict with 冲突;与…抵触

physically active 精力富足;身体活跃

shift from 从…转移

muscle mass 肌肉重量

in the form of 以…的形式

reach goal 达到目标

due to 由于

regardless of 不管不顾

aside from 除…之外

along with 与…一起

depend on取决于;依赖

approve of赞成;同意

hold onto 抓紧,保存

account for 解释,了解,查明

count for 有价值

switch to 切换到;转变成

training intensity训练强度

daily caloric intake 日常卡路里摄入

weigh-in 称体重

do/work wonders 创造奇迹;取得惊人成效

work out 锻炼


carry the burden of 带着…的负担

rather than 而不是

turn sth to sth 把…转移到


so called 所谓的

in conjunction with (与…一起,连同)

In the right amount 适量的

moral norms 道德规范

moral guilt 道德负罪感

moral development 道德发展

bad rap 口碑差,无理指责

alert sb of sth 使某人认识到

make up for 弥补,补偿

hold … together 使保持团结

context-independent 与情景无关

socially constructive 社会建设性

rein in 严格控制,抑制

vice versa 反之亦然

substitute for 替代;取代

in this light 就此而论

compensate for 弥补

emotional deficiency 情感缺失

result from 来源于

impulsive act 冲动行为

turn on sth 依靠,取决于

self-observation 自我观察

share with 分享

even though 尽管

in the fight against 与…斗争/战斗

even as 正当,恰好…时


soak up吸收

count on 指望;依靠

a good share of 许多,大量

leave sb with sth 将…留给某人

out of control 失控

global warming 全球变暖

extreme weather conditions 极端天气状况

climate change 气候变化

strike a balance 达成平衡

lead the way 带路,示范

figure out 弄明白

California 加利福尼亚州

species diversity物种多样性

thin out 修剪

a share of一份,份额

pull from 分离;取出

fend off 避开,挡住

in the event of sth 如果某事发生,万一

emission-permit 排放许可证

be financed from 从…中获得资金

in all 总共,合计

at risk of 处于…的风险中

carry out 执行

lock away 把…锁起来;妥藏

run on 用…驱动

under way 在进行中

in the form of 以…的形式

be accustomed to 习惯于

come to 开始…逐渐…


labor shortage 劳动力短缺

complain of 抱怨

in favor of 支持;偏袒

oft-debated 备受争议的

all along 自始至终,一直

one-third 三分之一


labor-intensity 劳动密集型的

guest worker (尤指来自穷困国的)外籍务工者

fill the gap 填补空缺

as a result 结果

numerical cap 数量限制

lead to 导致

in effect 实际上

High mobility 高流动性


celebrities star 明星

a bunch of 大量

swap out 将…替换掉

put together 整理,汇总

be directed at sb/sth 对准,针对


do one’s bit 尽本分

moral licensing 道德许可效应(指人们在做出好事后,往往会放纵自己,降低对自己的道德要求)

in charge 主管的,负责的

up to 由…决定;取决于

self-driven 自律;自己驱动自己

sense of accomplishment 成就感

cost-effective approach 划算的方法;物有所值的方法

a top-down process 自上而下的过程

far from远非

prevent…from doing 阻碍做某事

hold sb to account 追究…的责任

push for sth 努力争取;一再要求

community welfare 社会福利

civil rights 公民权利

press sb to do 敦促某人做某事

lead the combat 领导战斗

incentive-based 激励性的

write off 认为…不重要,忽视

rein in 控制;放慢


weigh heavily on 对…有重大影响

in the dark 全然不知;一无所知

mixed views 有不同的观点

real estate broker房地产中介

long-term 长期的

When it comes to 当提到

cope with 处理,应付

support system 支持体系


cope with 处理;应付

in regards to 关于;至于

place emphasis on sth 重视;强调

tend to do sth 往往会

get/stuck in sth陷入

meet one’s need 满足某人的需求

housing crunch住房紧张

pose chanllenge to 对…造成挑战

even as 当…时

rather than 而不是

clinical psychologist 临床心理学


contrary to 与..相反

have a go at尝试

the majority of 大部分

along the way 一路上;沿途

earn…the hard way 来之不易

literary field 文学领域



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