
广西师大研究生院,广西师范大学在职研究生   现在市面上有很多的保过班,好像不过就可以退钱,也可以免费继续读之类云云。但是具有一定经济头脑的考研生可以仔细想想,天下没有免费的午餐。所谓的保过班的本质其实就是留住生源,造成生源很多的样子,我们不知不觉成了他们的广告招牌。如果这个时候,你想要退出,没有问题,培训费还是得找给啊,算一下,好像也不划算的样子。所以相比较这样的课程,高途考研直接就提供考研班,考研培训班收费也不高,如果是全部课程那是5980元,如果是单科,可以根据老师来提供不同价格的服务。更简单,更纯粹!  课程其实是有两部分组成的,其中之一就是老师。现在考研生说到老师,就会说到李旭,唐静,肖大大,曲艺等等老师,这些其实都是高途考研的明星老师。这些老师能够在考研生中耳熟能详,可见他们受到多少学员的追捧。这样的老师肯定是在考研课程项目中都表现非常优质的。不仅仅是他们,高途的所有老师都是可以直接从网上找到教师资格证的,这也是高途给所有学员最基础的保障。

师范类 公办 普通本科

广西师范大学(简称广西师大,Guangxi Normal University),于1932年始建,坐落于广西桂林市,由教育部和广西人民政府共建的一所综合性省属重点大学,是教育部来华留学示范基地、中共中央统战部侨务事务局华文教育基地、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校。其原名广西师范学院,1983年更为现名。



Guangxi Normal University

Normal public ordinary undergraduate course

Guangxi Normal University (hereinafter referred to as Guangxi Normal University), founded in 1932, is a comprehensive provincial key University jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Guangxi. It is a demonstration base for overseas students of the Ministry of Education, a Chinese language education base of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, and a national demonstration university for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform. It was formerly known as Guangxi Normal University, and was renamed now in 1983.

The school in the Ministry of Education "the plan" culture, "the Midwest university foundation ability construction project", "excellent teacher training plan", national college students' innovative entrepreneurial training programs, national construction under high level university graduate programs, first-class discipline construction in colleges and universities in guangxi, national college students' cultural quality education base, national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot jingjiang city part of the scenic spot, And the earliest cultural and educational center in the history of Guangxi.

The university can be traced back to the provincial Guangxi University founded in 1928 and the Guangxi Provincial Teachers' College founded in 1932. In 1936, the provincial teachers' college was merged into Guilin Normal College. In 1941, Guilin Normal College was rebuilt and in 1943, it was upgraded to National Guilin Normal College. 1950 It was merged into Guangxi University again. In 1953, Guangxi Normal College was founded on the basis of some teachers from its College of Culture and Education and College of Science as well as all the students from its Teachers' Specialized Program.


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