
交通大学研究生院,兰州交通大学研究生院   三,教师资源  2、看老师的教学能力

上海交通大学研究生院(shanghai jiaotong university craduate school)是由上海交通大学创办的。上海交通大学从1931年起培养研究生,是国内最早招收研究生的大学之一。经国家批准,上海交通大学于1984年4月试办研究生院,并于1996年2月首批被批准正式成立研究生院。2002年在新加坡成立我国高校首个海外研究生院。

Graduate School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiaotong University Craduate School was founded by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Shanghai Jiao Tong University has been training graduate students since 1931, and is one of the first universities in China to enroll graduate students. With the approval of the state, Shanghai Jiao Tong University set up a pilot graduate school in April 1984, and was one of the first batch approved to officially establish a graduate school in February 1996. The first overseas graduate school of a Chinese university was established in Singapore in 2002.


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