

Despite the fact that the team had been practicing for months, they were unable to win the championship, which many attributed to a lack of teamwork and communication among the players.

整体分析:这个句子的主语是“the team”,谓语是“were unable to win”,它是一个复合句,包含了一个让步状语从句“Despite the fact that the team had been practicing for months”。让步状语从句中的“despite”表示尽管团队已经练习了几个月,但他们仍然无法赢得冠军。主句中的定语从句“which many attributed to a lack of teamwork and communication among the players”进一步解释了他们输掉比赛的原因,许多人认为这是因为球员之间缺乏团队合作和沟通。


Despite 是介词,介词后面只能跟名词,因此,后面跟the fact,这个句子是用介词引导的让步状语从句。

The fact that ,是同位语从句,同位语从句从某种意义上说,是名词从句,名词从句简化后以主语补足语的形式存在,补充说明the fact的内容是什么。

Had been practicing: 过去完成时的进行时态,表示该动作从过于某一时点已经在持续的状态,并一直持续下去。

Were unable to : 相当于情态动词的改写,用were unable to 表达作都对未来存在不确定的语气,因此此处to 并不是介词,而是用win,而不是wining,如用动名词,则表达确定的事实。

Which:非限定性定语从句,多用于补充说明作用,对不能够win the championship作进一步说明.

Many attributed to :many 是主语,泛指,是名词,省略people, attributed 是谓语,意为归结于,归结于什么呢,话没说清楚,补上介词短语to后面的部份,来说明原因。


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