

I .Phonetics (5 points)

1. A. nature B. attitude C.catch D. balance

2. A. invite B. pick C.electric D. dim

3. A. though B. smooth C.these D. leather

4. A. beast B. season C.measure D. breathe

5. A. blouse B. cousin C.round D. aloud

II. Situational Dialogues (10 points)

Li Hua: Excuse m, sir, are you Mr. John Green from Australia?

John Green: Oh,yes, I'm John Green from Australia Trading Company Ltd.

Li Hua: 6 . I'm Li Hua,the director of Shijiazhuang Import & Export Company.And I come here specially to meet you.

John Green: How do you do, Miss Li.It's very kind of you to come here to meet us.

Li Hua: How do you do? (They shake hands.) And how many people are there in your party?


John Green: Yes, three people altogether. This is Mr. Burns and this is Mr.Jones. 7 .

Li Hua:Welcome to Shijiazhuang.Is this your first trip to China?

John Green: No. 8 But this is indeed our first trip to Shijiazhuang. We take it our great honor being invited by you to visit your beautiful city.

Li Hua: Well,every city has something of its own. Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei province,is one of the beautiful cities in Northern China. 9

John Green: Thank you. Li Hua. I'm sure all of us will have a wonderful time.

Li Hua: 10 .

John Green: About a week.

Li Hua:Good. We will have enough time for our business talks. And in the interval between talks,we'll arrange a visit to the Great Wall

John Green: Wonderful! I must say nothing would please me more. Thank you!

Li Hua:My pleasure. Let's go to the hotel now. This way please.

A. I'm sure you need a good rest after your long journey.

B. We visit China frequently.

C. Allow me to introduce myself.

D. How long do you intend to stay?

E. Both are our delegation members.

F. When will you leave for Australia?

G And I hope all of you will have a pleasant stay here.



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