
中国石油大学北京研究生院,   考研已经成为大势所趋,成功的通过考研可以获得更多的人生价值,对于一个人的发展至关重要。而寄宿考研可以使学习更有保障,打造一个浓厚的学习氛围,寄宿考研辅导班封闭式管理可以为考生提供更多的保障,而如何选择一家优质的机构,需要掌握更多的技巧性,要了解以下几个特点,在最短的时间内可以获得优质的判断,可以使自己的考研学习更有价值。  现在各种考研mba辅导班横空出世,所以在选择上难免眼花缭乱。如果没有经验不知道选择哪个,就选择高途考研是专攻教育培训的网站,师资力量强大,有专门的一对一辅导这样有针对性的提问学习会更有效率,也可以随时向老师提问,老师可随时解答。近些年来考研的人数在逐渐增加,考研的压力也随之生长,但根据当代趋势考研依旧是大学生最好的选择,考研可以为你带来更广阔的平台,希望所有考研的学生都可以一次成功,不辜负这么多年的寒窗苦读。

理工类 211工程 双一流 公办 普通本科

中国石油大学(简称中石大、石大,China University ofPetroleum),于1953年始建,坐落于山东省青岛市、东营市,中国教育部直属,由五大能源企业集团公司、教育部和山东省政府共建,是国家“双一流”“211工程”和“985工程优势学科创新平台”重点建设高校,被誉为“石油科技人才的摇篮”。其前身为北京石油学院,2005年1月更名为中国石油大学。 该校是一所以工为主、石油石化特色鲜明、多学科协调发展的全国重点大学,是石油、石化高层次人才培养的重要基地,高水平行业特色大学优质资源共享联盟成员,入选“111计划”“卓越工程师教育培养计划”“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”“国家大学生创新性实验计划”“新工科研究与实践项目”“全国毕业生就业典型经验高校”“全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校”,设有研究生院和国家大学科技园。 学校在1988年更名为石油大学,逐步形成山东、北京两地办学的格局,1997年正式进入国家“211工程”首批重点建设的高校行列。

China University of Petroleum

Double first-class public undergraduate program of 211 project of science and engineering

Petroleum University of China (hereinafter referred to as sinopec, stone, China University ofPetroleum), established in 1953, is located in Qingdao city in shandong province, dongying city, directly under the Ministry of Education of China, from five large energy enterprise group company in shandong province, the Ministry of Education, and government to build, is the national "211 project" and "double top" "985 engineering advantage discipline innovation platform" key construction of colleges and universities, is known as the "cradle of petroleum science and technology talents". It was formerly known as Beijing Petroleum Institute and was renamed China University of Petroleum in January 2005. So it is a school, petroleum and petrochemical characteristics, multidisciplinary coordinated development of the national key university, is an important base of petroleum, petrochemical, high-level personnel training, the high level industry characteristic university high quality resources sharing alliance members, to be included in the "111 project", "outstanding engineers education training plan" "national construction high level professional graduate programs at the university of" "national college students' innovative experiment plan" "new engineering project" research and practice of "national graduate employment typical experience of colleges and universities" "colleges and universities nationwide to deepen reform of creative education model", have a graduate school and the national university science park. In 1988, the University of Petroleum was renamed University of Petroleum, gradually forming the pattern of running schools in Shandong and Beijing. In 1997, it was officially listed in the first group of key universities in the national "Project 211".


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