


The Gaokao(Chinese:高考), also known as the National Higher Education Entrance Examination or National College Entrance Examination(NCEE), is the world's toughest and largest academic testing event held on June 7 and 8 by the Ministry of Education(MOE).

高考,也叫全国普通高等学校招生考试(National Higher Education Entrance Examination)或全国大学入学考试(National College Entrance Examination,简称NCEE),是由教育部(Ministry of Education)于6月7日和8日举办的世界上最难、规模最大的学术测试活动。


The Gaokao is often considered as “the most pressure-packed examination in the world”. 12.91 million students across the country have applied for this years' Gaokao.

高考通常被认为是“全世界压力最大的考试(the most pressure-packed examination in the world)”。今年全国共有1291万考生报名参加高考。



In Heze City in East China’s Shandong province, a careless mother left her little daughter alone at the examination site after she drove her son to take Gaokao. A traffic policeman found the lost girl and took her home safely.

在华东(East China)的山东省的菏泽市,一位粗心的妈妈送儿子高考却把闺女忘在了考场(examination site)。交警发现走丢的小女孩后,就安全地把她送回家了。



In Kaizhou, West China’s Chongqing Municipality, twins mistook each other’s exam attendance docket. A Chongqing policeman drove the student at a gallop to get back his admission card for the entrance examination immediately.

华西的重庆(West China’s Chongqing Municipality)开州一位双胞胎拿错了准考证(exam attendance docket,或admission card for examination),警察开车载着他一路疾驰(at a gallop)帮忙调换送达。

Due to the launched contingency plan for taking Gaokao, a 15 minutes’ journey was shorted to 5 minutes. At last, the policeman blessed him:”Do it better!”

小V(VOA英语城)看到由于启动了高考应急预案(emergency / contingency plan for taking Gaokao),原本15分钟的路程,只花了5分钟。最后,警察骁骑还不忘祝福他:“考好点哦(Do it better)!”


In Taian, East China’s Shandong province, a candidate overslept and couldn’t get a taxi. Just then, a kindly delivery man nearby noticed the boy and rode an electric bike to take him to the exam site without hesitation.

外卖高考生正在路上:在山东泰安,一位考生(candidate for an entrance examination,或 examinee)睡过了头(overslept),又不打不车。就在这时,附近一位好心的外卖小哥注意到了这个男同学,毫不犹豫地骑着电瓶车(electric bike)把他送到了考场。

小V(VOA英语城)调侃:如果这位考生考取了高考状元(Gaokao top scorer 或者 The top scorer in the college entrance examination)了,那这位快递小哥就功德无量呀!


In Hengyang county, Central China’s Hunan province, a schoolgirl realized that she came to the wrong city when it is less than half an hour before the beginning of the Chinese exam of Gaokao. Thanks to the help of the traffic policeman, she didn’t miss the exam yet.

在华中湖南(Central China’s Hunan province)的衡阳县(Hengyang county),距离高考语文(Chinese exam of Gaokao)开始还有不到半个小时的时候,一名女学生才意识到她来错了城市。多亏了交警的帮忙,她才没有错过这场考试。

小V(VOA英语城)见过走错考场(examination room)的,忘记准考证和身份证(ID card: Identity Card)的,还有忘拿文具(standard stationery)的,但从没见过走错到另一个城市去考试的。



重点高中的学校拔尖的学生,一般会成为校长推荐制(nominations from their headmasters)下的保送生(direct admission candidate)。保送生因保送录取(gain admission to college without taking NCEE)所以不需要参加高考。小V今天就刷到过“保送生穿旗袍为高考同学加油”的视频。网友直呼:必须旗开得胜。


高考完后,依小V(VOA英语城)来看,高三毕业班(senior class 或graduating class)就真的毕业了。模拟考试(practice test, mock或mock exam)、晚自习(evening self-study)、晨读或早读(morning reading)、文科班(Liberal Arts Class)、理科班(Science classes)等都是回不去的过去了。


高三毕业生接下来要做好准备,想一想该如何填报自己的志愿(College application)了。你可能需要同时填写第一志愿(your first choice)和第二志愿(the second choice)。


成绩考得好的小伙伴们,留意一下录取分数线(enrollment cut-off point,或cut-off score for admission)。小V(VOA英语城)建议你们可以考虑填写一本大学,一本大学是全国首批录取的大学(the first batch of universities or colleges)。


一本大学一般都是国家级或省级重点大学,如985大学(又叫985工程:project 985),或211大学(又叫211工程:project 211),有的大学还是双一流(Double First-Class)大学,这样的大学一般都是自主招生(independent enrollment 或independent recruitment)。


成绩稍微不理想的小伙伴们小V(VOA英语城)建议你们可以考虑填写二本(the second batch of universities)、或三本(the third batch of universities)、或者专科院校(three-year college education)或高职院校(vocational higher education institutions)。


成绩考得不好的小伙伴们可能会考虑复读(prepare again for the college entrance exam)高三。当然,小V觉得(VOA英语城)这些都不是文科状元(the top scorer of liberal arts)或理科状元(the top scorer of science)需要操心的事了。


完成了高中三年的素质教育(all-round education,或quality-oriented education,或education for all-round development),今秋你们即将迎接四年的高等教育(higher education)学习。


达到了录取分数线的小伙伴们就只需在家等候录取通知书(letter of admission)了。

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